FIFO portrait

FIFO portrait life style of fly in fly out family. Vipula Saxena says,” When my husband took fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) job, initially I felt isolated and lonely. I am the partner who stays home and for me parenting became harder, as I have to provide the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of my kid all alone. Even my son also got confused by the continual transition from solo parenting to co-parenting.
When I mingled more with the society, then I realised, there are other people walking on the same path. This gave me strength and made my journey easier. Thanks to technology that the virtual presence of my partner keeps us emotionally connected. When he comes back, we try to make most of our time. He tells to our son that how much he missed him. There are advantages and disadvantages in FIFO lifestyle. As Family we are trying to establish every possible means to help us to face the challenges of this lifestyle.”

From the onset of Vipula’s art journey, her works are based on experience of life, emotions, people and surroundings.
Vipula Saxena doesn’t have a set pattern to develop paintings. Vipula sometimes starts an artwork with a vague idea of what she hopes to achieve. She immediately starts working on the subject and goes with the flow till accomplishment. On other instances Vipula Saxena’s drawings develop into in-depth ideas and detailed images. During her research and production of an artwork, she develops new areas of interest, which leads to the next body of work.
The subject matter of each body of work determines the materials and forms of the work. Vipula Saxena’s works are visual transformation of what she feels, sees and experiences. In the process of creating these concepts, she liberates her mind to pursue concepts which are rich in proportion and pure in form. Vipula then deconstructs them through various textures, shapes and colours to enhance subject of artwork.
Vipula Saxena’s recent work includes a series of artworks that signify our involvement with virtual world. The references of these paintings have come from her experiences. Due to migration from India to Australia and her husband’s fly-in-fly-out job, her family and friends have been converted into virtual contacts and internet, video calls, social media and virtual friends have become an important part of life.
Vipula realized soon, virtual reality has made astounding progress on everyone’s life and it will have substantial effect on our future way of life. Her artworks speak, not only for herself but it pays homage to the rise of digitization and role it plays in modern world.